Marketing Lead & QPR Trainer

I grew up in Iowa City and attended ISU and U of IOWA for college. I'm currently working as a treasury management representative for Hills Bank in Coralville.  I am 27 now, so when I was in high school, I remember feeling very alone and misunderstood because depression was such an unknown topic at that point. Even now, the discussion on mental health carries a stigma and a significant amount of people don't even learn about the importance of it until a tragedy hits their lives. This topic is so difficult to speak on because symptoms of various illnesses can present so differently. I want to be able to help provide families and friends with information to help them recognize and understand the people that struggle with depression or anxiety so that they can be a source of support when needed. On the victim side, I would like to make sure that everyone understands that they are not alone and that their lives are worth fighting for.